Case Study - Revenue Platform

6x Increase in Organic Traffic for B2B Revenue Software

Monthly Traffic Increase
Total Links Built
Average Domain Rating
Success Metric

456% Increase in Organic Traffic

"We're reaching our SEO targets every month with excellence."

Trevor Larson
SEO Manager

This revenue platform came to looking for a way to help their site rank above more established competitors and bring in more organic traffic. Here’s how we helped them turn organic search into one of their most powerful channels.

The Goal: Compete with established Fintechs in search engine rankings

There are almost 30,000 Fintech SaaS companies on the market as of 2024, with over 13,000 in the US alone. To stand out – and ensure their website appeared when their ideal customer searched for a solution – our client needed to quickly boost their site authority. By leveraging strategic link-building efforts, they aimed to improve their search engine rankings and enhance their overall online presence.

Having partnered with several link-building agencies in the past, they experienced inconsistent results and low-quality links. These challenges led them to seek a dedicated agency that specialized in link building for B2B SaaS companies and offered a hands-off approach.

The Solution: In-depth competitor analysis and building backlinks to strategic pages

First, we conducted a detailed competitor analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the client's main competitors. This analysis helped pinpoint effective link-building strategies and high-value link opportunities that could be replicated or improved upon for the client.

We also built links to glossary pages to capture traffic from specific, high-value keywords. These pages were optimized for terms relevant to the FinTech industry, providing valuable content that attracted both users and search engines.

The Result: 6x traffic in 11 months 

In 11 months, the client saw their monthly organic traffic grow from 17k to 99k, almost a 6x increase from their initial results. This substantial growth validated their decision to invest in high-quality backlinks and underscored the effectiveness of partnering with a specialized link-building agency.

Apart from link quality, one of the standout features that the client appreciated was proactive link monitoring. If any links were removed, we ensured they were promptly fixed or replaced to protect the client's investment. This also meant the client didn’t need to check in consistently and could focus on more important initiatives.  

Although this client initially chose our Starter Package, investing in a few high-quality links each month, they upgraded to our highest plan after just 3 months, which they continue to use to this day.

Here are a few of the high-authority links we built for this client:

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High-quality backlinks to your business each month with our user centered link building service.

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